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Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light. Show all posts

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Observation - March 6th, 2021, Saturday

The sky is powder blue


The sun, unnaturally bright


A silver disk of light


Melting the few remaining patches of dirty snow


There is a buzz in the air


And birdsong


The feeling of spring, and joy


At its early return.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Observation - February 6th, 2021, Saturday

It is cold outside, but the sun is shining


The sky is striped, blue and white


I can feel the cold coming, seeping through the windows


The sun’s light through wavey glass


Snow clings to the limbs of my tree


Each flake a tiny prism from which the sun light leaps


And there is hope, today in America…there is hope

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Observation - September 5th, 2020, Saturday

The long September sunlight reflects off the sandstone and red brick of the building across the street, filtering back through the green leaves of the maple outside my window.

The window is open; there is traffic on Bryant and a rhythm to the sound of tires on pavement, as car after car rolls by; Kitty is sleeping on the ledge by the sill, curled up on her side.

I see patches of blue sky through the limbs of the tree.

The air in the apartment is cool.

There scent of cinnamon and cloves lingers in the air, I made eggrolls.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Observation - August 5th, 2020, Wednesday

The scent of garlic and curry the apartment

I made a pot of lentils

For the first time in weeks the air conditioner is silent

The windows are open for a cross breeze

A dappled light comes in through the east windows

Filtered through the green leaves

Kitty is complaining about the taste of medicine in her food

The dry and dusty chondroitin that helps her with her joints

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Observation - January 5th, 2020, Sunday

The sky is bright, light
Blueish-gray, matted by clouds
Thin as wisps of frost

There are a few leaves
Dried things that cling to the trees
Flutter in the breeze

Outside my window
Dark limbs stretched across the pane
The old glass cascades

It bends the soft light
Waving in its fluid state
Windows on the world

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Observation - December 4th, 2019, Wednesday


The sun is shining

The snow is already melting in the light

It is warm this December morning

Everything is blurry outside my window

My eyes are still adjusting to the surgery I had

I can hear the spray from the tires of the cars passing by

Dirty-gray slush and salt covering the street

There is ice on the road and it is slippery

There is not a cloud in the sky

Only jets leaving contrails

And black-birds in flight

Sunday, August 4, 2019

Observation - August 4th, 2019, Sunday


There is soft light coming through the windows

Cool air after an evening of rain

Sparrows chatter in elms

Kitty looks out the window and day dreams

A motorcycle rumbles down Bryant

The news is filled with tragedies

It is of angry white-men murdering dozens of people

Terrorism in Texas and Ohio

It the two hundred and sixteenth day of the year

Two hundred and fifty mass-shooting

With no end in sight

Twenty-nine dead and dozens hurt

Each shooting took a matter of seconds

The world turns, the light in Minnesota is soft the air is cool

Sparrows chatter in the elms

Kitty listens and watches the morning traffic on the avenue

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Observation - July 3rd, 2018, Tuesday


Kitty stretches her front paw
A sparrow cut across the plane of view from the front window
Cool clear light bends through the wavy glass

It is quiet in the morning
The cup filled with coffee is warm in my hand
A breeze on my neck from the black plastic fan

Saturday, October 1, 2016

October 1st, 2016, Saturday


It is noon, the autumn sun is bright,

And silver.

My cat is sitting on her blanket in the window;

Soaking the soft light into her soft tawny fur.

The news talkers are chattering as I type;

Trump, trumpet, strumpet, hype.

I am tired; from three weeks straight of working.

My sweetheart is in the garden; weeding.

I hear her talking with neighbors as they stroll by.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Observation - July 1st, 2016, Friday


I can hear the wet-clinging strokes of the paint roller.

The back and forth, the up down; I can hear the spreading of the new white, covering the old white, yellowed with age.

She is painting the bedroom, while I listen to news, and write, and prepare for work.

My cat is watching the city from atop the couch; in the picture window.

Sunlight brushes the lilies in the boulevard.

A cool wind is blowing through the peonies, the dark green leaves are just bushes now; having dropped the soft petals, from their pendulous flowers.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

March 1st, 2016, Tuesday - Observation


The snow is mostly gone.

The sky was lighting at six in the morning; when I left for work.

There was a fresh dust of white on the ground, that disappeared in the first few hours of morning.

The green is coming to my lawn, pushing past the pale yellow blades, the gray and brown remnants of leaves, the twigs fallen from the apple tree.

My cat followed the white tail of rabbit with her eyes; as she rested on the couch, by the window bay, lucid, and dreaming of the hunt.

It is election day in Minnesota, caucus day, and there is a pensive energy in the air.

I am for Hillary, but I think most of my town is for Bernie.

I think Minnesota will go hard left as well.

My cat does not care, she wants to share my chicken.